The Blue Flame Fund is an ancillary fund of the Atlanta Blues Society (ABS), funded specifically for the purpose of helping local musicians and other members of the Atlanta blues community that are in need.  Established in 2010, the Blue Flame Fund was originally set-up and funded with a generous donation from Atlanta Blues Society Corporate Sponsor Randie Flame, of Ran-die Records.

The Blue Flame Fund remains self-supported via donations, raffle ticket sales and other ABS fundraising efforts which are specifically publicized and designated as contributing to the Blue Flame Fund.   Since its inception, the Blue Flame Fund has allowed ABS to provide financial aid to many musicians and others in our Atlanta blues community, most commonly providing assistance with medical costs, funeral expenses and other expenditures arising from unfortunate situations through no fault of their own.

The ABS Board of Directors administers the Blue Flame Fund, which includes a review and Board vote for approval, on each received request prior to disbursement of funds.  Disbursement of funds directly to businesses on behalf of the recipient (medical facilities, funeral homes, utility companies and etc.) generally provides the most immediate assistance, however to allow for the uniqueness of each situation, funds are sometimes distributed via an official fundraiser/benefit (offline and online) or directly to the artist/individual with a verifiable need.  Individuals are welcome to submit their own requests for assistance to ABS for consideration, however it’s been a very rare occasion that a musician or member has submitted a request on their own behalf.  Instead, historically when ABS has provided Blue Flame Fund assistance, the ABS Board became aware of the opportunity via fundraising efforts posted on social media, such as Facebook or via word of mouth from ABS members bringing the needs of others to the attention of the Board, which is indicative of the ABS membership looking out for each other!  

Blue Flame Fund recipients of benefit shows and other fundraisers are sometimes identified due to the public nature of the events, however to respect and maintain privacy of recipients (where applicable), the Board does not publish a list of recipients.  Instead the ABS membership is provided general balance information on the Blue Flame Fund which is tracked and reported separately, ensuring funds are used for the designated purpose only.

WE THANK the ABS MEMBERSHIP for the continued support of the Blue Flame Fund in support of our Atlanta Blues musicians and fellow members.