Board of Directors

Carlin “C-Note” Smith, President – I have had previous experience serving as the Vice President of the Kansas City Blues Society prior to moving to Atlanta in 1994 and was principal founder of the Atlanta Blues Society. Over the past 4 years I have had the honor of serving as the Atlanta Blues Society Co-President. While an active Board Member, I have witnessed the amazing accomplishments of this organization. From partnering with “Smoke Free Rights for All” to Breeze Fest to Bluesberry Fest to Blues Stotts to the member appreciation Christmas Party, ABS, with its tireless support from its members, has shown the Blues World the Atlanta Blues Society is a strong and focused group dedicated to “Keeping the Blues Alive”. With your help, I would like to continue to show my passion for this organization as an elected Board member of the Atlanta Blues Society and continue this never ending journey.

Lisa Kitchens, Vice President – As a native of the blues rich city of St. Louis, Missouri I grew up in a household where music was greatly appreciated and encouraged. After moving to Atlanta, I actively sought out the live blues scene and have been a long-time active supporter of Atlanta blues and musicians ever since, as a frequent patron of local clubs, blues events and bands. I bring leadership skills, a let’s get-it-done attitude, and a vast array of experience and knowledge to the board which spans from my corporate career as a Commercial Director in the travel technology sector, to my philanthropic contributions within the Black Doll Affair (a global social club rooted in philanthropy) as an Ambossadoll & Dana Doll (serving as a leader, and an assistant, mentor and advisor to the Founder), and my exposure and interaction with other musicians and clubs as a member of the rockin’ blues band The Rockaholics.
As a current ABS Board member serving multiple terms since March 2010, I am familiar with the amount of work and dedication required to support the continued growth efforts of ABS. I am intimately familiar with the many successes and challenges of ABS and know that it requires commitment and enthusiasm – both of which I will continue to bring to the Board. I appreciate the opportunity to again contribute to the great work accomplished by the current board, previous boards and the soon to be elected 2024 board.

Sara George, Treasurer – Hi! My name is Sara George. I’ve been a music lover all of my life and after meeting George and Betty Klein about 15 years ago, I became involved with the Atlanta Blues Society. I previously served on the Board of Directors for 5 years as the Treasurer. When the elections came around two years ago, I decided to take a break. However, I found that I missed the camaraderie and being able to contribute to the mission of The Atlanta Blues Society. Therefore, when the Secretary’s position became vacant a year ago, the board allowed me to step into that role. Now, I am once again going to serve as Treasurer. During my previous tenure, I set up the financials on QuickBooks and was able to provide monthly, quarterly and annual reports of our finances. I plan to start doing that again. I’m very excited about the upcoming year! We are doubling down on our efforts to attract new members to our Blues Society. We want to grow and be a vital part of “Keeping the Blues Alive” in Atlanta and beyond and I am committed to doing my part to make that happen!

Krystine Torella, Secretary – I have been a fan and follower of the Blues since my late Dad shared his love for Howlin Wolf and BB King with me as a young child. I moved to the Atlanta suburbs in 1996 from Pennsylvania and found myself in places like Blind Willies and Darwin’s Blues Club on the weekends and listening to WRFG every morning for my wake up drive to work. Since then, I graduated from just being a fan, to being an official member of the Atlanta Blues Society for the past year. I figured the best way for me to get involved was to volunteer to help wherever I was needed and I found myself working the door at Northside Tavern for BreezeFest last year, which was such a memorable experience! Since then, I do my best to attend the monthly gatherings and support whoever asks me for help when needed. I would love to be more of an asset to the Board where they know they can rely on me consistently versus randomly. As I am self-employed, I have control over my schedule and can be available easily for meetings and events. I have an easy-going personality and feel I can fit wherever you have a need for me to serve.

David Daniels, Membership – I have been a member of the Atlanta Blues Society since June 29, 2017, and I am currently a lifetime member. I have served as Membership Chair since September 2021, and have been on the Board Of Directors representing Membership since March 2022. These positions have afforded me the opportunity to use administrative and record keeping skills that I’ve developed in various corporate positions since 1987. My verbal and written communication skills will continue to be used for expanding the scope of Membership from just maintenance and retention to becoming instrumental in expansion and growth.
I bring personal enthusiasm for Blues music in all its various forms (classic, contemporary, acoustic, electric and hybrids). To that end, I have been a music host (“airshifter”) at Atlanta community radio station WRFG 89.3 FM since November 2019. In hosting shows presenting jazz, blues, Americana, and a variety of popular music – I have been responsible for content selection and preparation, interviews with musicians and event sponsors, announcing, and on-air presentation. Currently, my emphasis is on blues and jazz. With frequent concert attendance, making contacts with local musicians and their supporters, and staying aware through written media of current and past events within the jazz and blues communities – I have proven my commitment to the preservation and continuance of “the root of all modern music”, aka The Blues. I see my willingness to continue to serve on the Board Of Directors for the Atlanta Blues Society as an extension of that commitment.

Deb Pruett – As a six-term officer of the Atlanta Blues Society, having served as Secretary, Treasurer, Membership Chair and Newsletter editor, I’ve come to understand well and truly appreciate the work required. I continue to believe in the vision and mission of the ABS – and am ready to continue devoting the energy and time required to serve you, the members of the Atlanta Blues Society. I’m a lover of the blues – and of those who love the blues, and I believe I am an asset to the Board of the Atlanta Blues Society.

Ron Rubel – I am an avid Blues supporter. I support music and musicians in various ways. I produce an annual event in conjunction with the ABS and have been a member for many years. As a Corporate Controller and CPA (retired) for over 40 years I am looking for ways to use my experience to assist. As the ABS is looking for someone in the role of Treasurer, I feel like my skill set is a good fit and would be a value to the ABS. My goal is to continue to find ways to support our members, encourage and support great musicians, support the outreach and influence of the ABS, and help educate future generations as to the value and significance of the blues to all genres of music.

Wes Gifford – I have been playing guitar and bass for more than fifty years. I found the blues from the people that I wished to emulate such as the Allman Brothers, Rolling Stones, David Bromberg, Ry Cooder and Jorma Kaukonen (from Jefferson Airplane and Hot Tuna). All of these people learned a good bit from the actual stars that helped make this art form powerful and universal.My guitar teacher actually learned quite a bit of blues from Blind Willie McTell back in the day.
I enjoy hearing and playing many types of blues and blues-based music forms including Rhythm and Blues, Soul, Rock and Roll and Jazz. Opportunities aways seemed to revolve around me playing bass so I have embraced it.
Over the last few years I have had two main functions with Atlanta Blues Society:
• Handling the Jam during our meetings; and,
• Maintaining the ABS Drum Set and occasionally providing my PA system when needed.
I enjoy the jam very much. I try to get everyone involved that shows up. When my wife, Meredith, first saw the drum set in our basement she remarked that she couldn’t understand why I have the drum set as I am admittedly a horrible drummer. I told her that I was young enough and strong enough to move the stuff as well as being in Atlanta, I am centrally located for the WRFG Labor Day event at the Park Tavern and our Holiday Party as well as not that far from Blind Willies.
My day job is as a financial advisor. The best part of this is that I have a great degree of flexibility in what I do, when I do it and where I need to be.