Jeff Pitchell
(with notable friends and family)

Brown Eyed Blues

Deguello Records 
Publicity: Blind Raccoon

By Peter “Blewzzman” Lauro © May 2024

Jeff Pitchell’s last release was titled Playin’ With My Friends, and here he is just a bit over a year later, pretty much doing the same thing – playing with another bunch of his, as he refers to them, notable friends. Jeff’s latest release is titled Brown Eyed Blues, and with all due respect to the multitude of talented musicians who appear with Jeff, there are just too many to list. That said, as the notes on the CD jacket and attached one sheet do, I will tell you that the ‘notables’ include: Duane Betts, Charles Neville, Rick Derringer, Dave Mason, James Cotton, Michael Allman, Reese Wynans and Tom Hambridge. 

The disc’s sixteen tracks feature a dozen originals, remixes, a bonus live track; and from the small sampling of the musicians mentioned, it’s quite obvious they will cover many different styles of music. 

The title track is about a vixen who will “Eat you for breakfast, break your heart by noon, and spend all your money like a crazy tycoon. She’ll pick you up just to put you down, and she’ll slander your name all over this town. Watch your step, she’s real bad news, she’s gonna give you the “Brown Eyed Blues”‘. It’s a rhythm fueled smoker featuring Mike Nunno on bass; Mike Levesque and Nick Longo on drums; with barrelhouse piano leads by Dan Fontenella. Backing up Jeff on the powerful lead vocals are John Robinson, Theresa Wright and Linda Ransom on the equally powerful backup vocals, with one of the ladies hitting possible glass breaking high notes. Of course, all this is taking place behind the boss, who is tearing it up on the blues guitar licks. 

This one is called “Wait”, but don’t expect the dancers to do so. It won’t take more than the five second sax led, jazzy rhythm intro on this one to have them all out there jumpin’, jivin’ and wailin’. Adding Colin Tilton and his swingin’ sax leads to the above-mentioned rhythm section turned this into one for the movers and shakers. 

“Caught Up In The Wave” is another killer track. Saying that it just might feature some of Jeff’s best guitar work is undoubtedly a redundant statement – but it does! Wearing his heart on his sleeve, while taking us to church with this emotional and heartfelt vocal presentation, it could very well feature some of his best singing, as well. Additionally, on the first of his two appearances on drums, Tom Hambridge – teamed up with Tommy McDonald on bass – lay down a heart thumpin’ rhythm, while the organ work of Jay Vernalli and the fabulous harmony vocals from Brenda Hickman and Gail Booker give the song its Gospel vibe. 

There is no getting around the Allman Brothers’ connection on this one. It’s titled “When We Kiss”, and it features Duane Betts on that patented and very recognizable guitar sound we’ve all come to know and love. Although the tandem guitar work of Jeff and Duane pretty much steal this one, with a thunderous rhythm, Tom Hambridge (drums), Tommy McDonald (bass), and Jay Vernali (keys) are sorting of saying…”and then there’s us!”.

Like some of those dangerous acts you see on TV shows where the host turns to the camera and says “Do not try this at home!” I’m taking the liberty of saying that about the following lyrics: “I need some money babe, I’m so broke. I need money babe, it ain’t no joke. Gimme some money babe, I ain’t got no job. Only thing to do, is to “Beg, Steal and Rob'”.

Although the band is, of course, joking with the lyrics, they’re not at all joking with the music. With so many different rhythm combos, this is the first one I’ve talked about that features Mike Nuno (bass), Mike Levesque (drums), and the songs co-writer – Bruce Feiner (organ), and they are keeping up with the disc’s common denominator of masterful and powerful rhythm. 

On “Any Way You Can”, the Allman Brothers’ influence gets taken up a notch with two members of the Allman Betts band, Duane Betts and Johnny Stachela joining in with Jeff on guitars. Between Duane and Jeff flipping and flopping – and sometimes going toe to toe – on the lead and rhythm guitars, and Johnny adding his slide into that mix, this one’s for all the guitar players out there. 

The earliest date that I can find associated with “Meet Me” – as in meet me with your black drawers on – is 1985 when it was written and performed by Jeannie and Jimmy Cheatham. Maybe the reason I would have bet big money that this was a song from the fifties or sixties is the fact that it has become such a classic and has been performed by more people – from all genders – than not. Having said that, I must add that I am indeed impressed with the rendition I’m hearing right here. As is his thing, the guitar work of Jeff is absolutely fabulous; and as is their thing – regardless of who they’ve been – the rhythm is again absolutely fabulous as well. This time it’s Mike Nunno on bass, Ephraim Lowell on drums, and in addition to blowin’ the hell out of a saxophone, Charles Neville belting the hell out of the soulful vocals. One of this songs best covers, for sure. 

The disc closes with the bonus live track titled “Welcome To The Beat’ and it is unlike anything I’ve heard from Jeff. If you like to Salsa, Cha-Cha-Cha, Rumba, Mambo, Tango, or do any of the other Latin dances, put this on, turn it up, and let the music move you. Amazingly, with just two artists making the music – Jeff on guitars, bass and lead vocals; and Bill Holoman on drums, keys, sax and trumpet; you’ll swear you’re listening to the full Ricky Ricardo Orchestra, with background singers Jim and Gloria Pitchell (Jeff’s Mom). 

Other tracks on Brown Eyed Blues, another strong release from Jeff Pitchell, include: “Now You Know”; “Every Day”; “Do Right Girl”; “Stay While The Night Is Young”; “Whiskey River”; “Keep My Head Up”; “When It All Comes Down”; and “Soulshine”.

Should like to find out more about Jeff Pitchell, just go to – Remember, wherever you go and whomever you speak with, please tell them their friend the Blewzzman sent you.

The Blues Is My Passion And Therapy

Peter “Blewzzman” Lauro
Blues Editor @
2011 “Keeping The Blues Alive” Award Recipient