Markey Blue Ric Latina Project
Blue Eyed Soul
SoulOSound Records
Publicity: The Galaxie Agency
By Peter “Blewzzman” Lauro © May 2024
“This album is a gathering of most of the Markey Blue Ric Latina family”, the liner notes say. As Markey further points out, “We wanted to bring everyone together for this collection of some of the most beautiful music we’ve ever made”. With that said, the talented group of musicians assembled for Blue Eyed Soul is indeed plentiful. So plentiful in fact, that they are too numerous to mention. However, I will tell you that Markey Blue – on all vocals, and Ric Latina – on all guitars, are joined by about half a dozen each of different bassists; different drummers; different keyboardists (of which one is Markey); different horn players; and different background vocalists (of which one is Markey). The disc’s twelve tracks are all Markey (Jeanette Markey) and Ric (Eric B Latina) originals.
Simply because the opening track – “Crazy Without You”, is amazingly beautiful in every way, it immediately validates Markey’s “Some of the most beautiful music we’ve made” comment. Her lead and backing vocals – along with those of Vickie Carisco and Lauren Anderson – are celestial; Ric’s guitar leads are both scintillating and silkily subtle; the laid-back rhythm of Randy Coleman on bass, David Northrop on drums, and Markey on organ is immaculate; and the sound of Shannon Wickline’s synthesized strings is purely paradisaical. Beautiful indeed!
Although some of the players have changed, a track titled “So Much” is similarly beautiful. The way in which Ric replaces runs and decibels with simple and crisp notes on his guitar is totally masterful; the rhythm – this time with Randy (Bass) being joined by Dino Clay on drums, with Mark T. Jordan and James Sonnetag on keys – is precision perfect; and the catchy sing-a-long chorus line of “do, do, do… dododo… do, do do… dododo… do, do…” with Markey doing the lead and Shaun Murphy doing the harmony back-ups is pure magic. This is put a smile on your face music at its best.
“Baby I’m Crying” is one of the more slightly aggressive tracks. It’s an up-tempo ballad that features Markey – with harmony backing from Anna Marie and Tracey Palfalvi – showcasing her fabulous vocal range while soulfully and emotionally belting out the melancholic lyrics associated with a breakup. The track also features some of Ric’s more prominent lead guitar licks mixed in with some funky rhythm runs. Speaking of funky, on their only appearance, Sean O’Brien Smith on the bass and David “Smitty” Smith on the drums are being just that.
Another slightly funky track is one called “Set My Heart Free”. With yet another different mix of players: Truman Virder on bass; Dion Clay on drums; and Chris Tuttle on organ, continue to lay down what has quickly become the disc’s common denominator – excellent rhythm. Again, speaking of rhythm, adding Dana Robbins on sax and Jim Williamson on trumpet and flugelhorn kicks that up a notch.
Although the lyrics of Markey’s fabulously flawless vocals on this track have no relation whatsoever to these, “When I Close My Eyes” and listen to Ric’s stunning guitar work on this track, I trip out. This is Ric Latina at his very best. Replays of this one will be many.
So here I am telling you about the sixth of my favorite tracks, and I find myself about to tell you about the sixth rhythm configuration as well. This one is titled “Can’t Let You Go” and it features Anthony Joiner (bass) and Tim Smith (drums) continuing to lay down rhythm as fabulous as the maestros before them. Also helping out in that department are Shannon – once again shining on organ; and Miqui Gutierrez, on the sax, now joining Jim and lighting it up on the horns. Then there are the Mr. and the Mrs. doing their usual thing – belting out fabulous guitar and vocal leads.
Over the many years I’ve known Markey Blue; the many times I’ve see her – then later on, her and Ric perform; the many of her – then later on, her and Ric’s music I’ve reviewed; and the many styles of songs I’ve heard her sing; What she did here on Blue Eyed Soul was indeed some of best and most beautiful work ever.
Other tracks on this wonderful release include: “Raining Down On Me”; “Yes, I Do”; “Me Missing You”; “Come On”; “With You”; and “What Am I Gonna Do”.
Another interesting note on the one sheet mentioned that “Six of the twelve songs on this album have already been picked up for television placement”, and to that I’d like to add that with all of them being the perfect length, I can honestly see all twelve being picked up for airplay.
To find out more about the Markey Blue Ric Latina Project just go to their website – Of course, wherever you go and whomever you contact, please make sure you tell them their friend the Blewzzman sent you.
“The Blues Is My Passion And Therapy”
Peter “Blewzzman” Lauro
Blues Editor @
2011 “Keeping The Blues Alive” Award Recipient